Southwest Leach Pad


Ames constructed a new leach pad, diversion channels and collection ponds that support mine-for-leach activities at an open-pit mining complex in the southwest United States.

Ames was initially contracted to build three channels to divert water away from the new leach pad, a PLS pond, and a non-stormwater collection pond. The project expanded to include construction of a 575-acre leach pad, which required clearing/grubbing and cut-to-fill work along with the installation of clay underliner, HDPE liner, HDPE leach collection piping, and overliner.

Crews processed 1.8 million cubic yards of aggregate and placed 3.5 million cubic yards of aggregate. An additional 150 acres of land had to be cleared and graded to accommodate access roads, pump stations, ponds, conveyer corridors, power lines, and substations for the new leach pad. Crews also constructed an arch-plate tunnel over the main road, enabling the conveyor corridor to pass over traffic.